Individual Therapy and Psychoanalysis

Psychoanalytic (or psychodynamic) therapy is an in-depth response to a person's suffering founded upon the principles of psychoanalysis (as described below). The aim of this approach is to develop the capacity of the mind to understand and overcome life challenges that impede a person's health, relationships and productivity.

Psychoanalysis is a theory of the human mind and a therapeutic practice. Founded by Sigmund Freud, it continues to evolve and develop significantly by psychoanalysts globally. In essence, psychoanalysis is a theory of the workings of the mind, a therapeutic approach to addressing psychological problems, a methodology for active research, and a lens through which socio-cultural phenomena can be viewed and understood. To learn more about psychoanalysis, you may wish to access a documentary video on the website of the International Psychoanalytical Association by clicking here . It was produced by Dr. Peter Zagermann and Professor Otto F. Kernberg.

About the Field of Psychoanalysis

The psychoanalytic point of view stresses the importance of understanding the inner world of the individual. Psychoanalysts recognize that development at all ages results from the complex interaction of body and mind, endowment and upbringing, the impact of family, community and culture. Psychoanalysts seek to expand knowledge of the roles of physical health, parenting, emotions, trauma, and education in personality development and functioning.

Clinical and developmental research indicates that past experiences influence the present and that these may be distorted by immature developmental and cognitive abilities. It also demonstrates that there are factors outside of an individual’s awareness which affect the person’s thinking and behavior (unconscious mental activity). When these factors give rise to interferences in development or to symptoms of conflict or anxiety, psychoanalysts offer insight, understanding and treatment.

Psychoanalysts are experts in many modalities of psychological treatment of individuals and families. In instances where an individual’s unconscious mental activity adversely affects his or her current functioning and ability to progress, psychoanalytic treatment can assist in discovering and mastering inner obstacles and past traumatic experiences.

Stefanie Minen

Millcreek, UT Psychoanalysis

  4190 So Highland Dr., Suite 210
Salt Lake City, UT 84124